Global organisation
Traditionally, according to many regional development theories, the contribution of natural resources is considered of definitive importance to economic regional development and …

Does drive-level capacitance profiling predict the spatial and energetic distribution of trap states?

Ni et al. used drive-level capacitance profiling to map the spatial and energetic distribution of trap states in both polycrystalline and single-crystal perovskite solar cells. The interface trap densities were up to five orders of magnitude higher than the bulk trap densities.

What are the trap distributions in a perovskite thin film?

The trap distributions in bands I, II, and III of the perovskite thin film are centered at ~0.33, 0.38, and 0.52 eV, respectively. The spatial mapping of the tDOS in the perovskite thin film (Fig. 4D) revealed that the tDOSs at both interface regions were >100-fold higher than that in the film.

How can spatial randomness of nucleation and growth be measured?

It is worth mentioning that spatial randomness of the nucleation and growth phenomenon can be further evaluated when besides the Shannon entropy, multivariate distributions of surface co-occurrences be quantified to capture the disorder in spatial distribution and relative precipitation patterns 45.

How do charge trap states affect recombination in perovskite solar cells?

Charge trap states play an important role in the degradation of perovskite solar cells and other devices (12, 13). Knowledge of the distributions of trap states in space and energy is one of the most fundamental ingredients for understanding the impact of the charge traps on charge transport and recombination in perovskite materials and devices.

Can thermal admittance spectroscopy measure energy-dependent trap density in perovskite solar cells?

Thermal admittance spectroscopy (TAS) and thermally stimulated current methods have been broadly applied to measure the energy-dependent trap density of states (tDOS) in perovskite solar cells (14 – 16).

What is the spatial distribution of random-bond and random-field disorder components?

The spatial distribution of the random-bond and random-field disorder components is illustrated in Fig. 3 a. A purely symmetric distortion of a local hysteresis loop relative to the average (random bond) is mapped to a grey scale where white and black is a decrease and increase in the absolute value of nucleation bias, respectively.

Spatial distribution of natural resources and their contribution to ...

Traditionally, according to many regional development theories, the contribution of natural resources is considered of definitive importance to economic regional development and …

U.S. State-level Projections of the Spatial Distribution of ...

Spatial population distribution is an important determinant of both drivers of regional environmental change and exposure and vulnerability to it. Spatial projections of …

A Theory of the Spatial Distribution of Galaxies.

A theory of the spatial distribution of galaxies is built, based on the following four main assumptions: (i) galazies occur only in clusters; (ii) the number of galazies varies from cluster …

Spatial Criticism: Critical Geography, Space, Place …

In the moment of the Absolutist monarch, Foucault argues, the individual body becomes the subject of a highly public `theatre'' of punishment that is located in a specific ritualized space, still distant from everyday life. …

The spatial distribution characteristics of the biomass residual ...

There is some difficulty to widely spread and use the bioenergy. As a lack of understanding of biomass technology and production, the image of biomass and bioenergy is …

Spatial Justice Models: An Exploratory Analysis on Fair Distribution …

To better understand the spatial configuration and spatial distribution of resources for different social groups, multiple objective criteria can be used to formulate …

A statistical theory of spatial distribution models

: It is now widely believed that in the short-term retention of verbal material, both primary memory (PM) and secondary memory (SM) mechanisms are involved.

Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Oil Spills in the Bohai Sea ...

DOI: 10.2112/si90-020.1 Corpus ID: 202914901; Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Oil Spills in the Bohai Sea Based on Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS @article{Bing2019SpatialDC, …

Concentration, spatial distribution, and source apportionment of …

In this study, 112 agricultural topsoil samples were collected from the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin (YZRB) and its two tributaries, and the concentrations, spatial distribution, …

Spatial distribution of thermal energy in equilibrium

Here we show that for systems undergoing simple Gaussian fluctuations around an equilibrium state, the spatial distribution is universally bounded from above by 1 2 k B T. We …

(PDF) Spatial distribution of energy deposited by atomic particles …

This paper deals with the spatial distribution of the energy dissipated within the cascades at the end of the slowing-down process This distribution is of central interest in the …

Spatial Inequality and Economic Development: Theories, Facts, …

%PDF-1.4 %âãÏÓ 305 0 obj /Linearized 1 /L 1563693 /H [ 2267 814 ] /O 307 /E 772387 /N 52 /T 1557465 >> endobj xref 305 84 0000000017 00000 n 0000002152 00000 n 0000003081 00000 …

Rationalizing the Spatial Distribution of Mesoscale Eddy

Abstract Observations and theory suggest that lateral mixing by mesoscale ocean eddies only reaches its maximum potential at steering levels, surfaces at which the …

Spatial distribution of geographical indications for agricultural ...

This paper aimed to quantitatively analyze the spatial distribution and variations of geographical indications for agricultural products (hereafter, AGIs) in China. A total of 1758 …

A statistical theory of spatial distribution models

A novel dynamical method to examine spatial interaction models (SIMs) suggests that site attractiveness should be defined in terms of a second short range SIM leading to a new spatial …

Full article: Spatial justice on the horizon? A combined Theory of ...

1. Introduction. Spatial justice has been defined as ''an equitable spatial distribution of resources and opportunities, and fairness in the relations of power that shape …

Direct imaging of the spatial and energy distribution of nucleation ...

Here, we develop an approach to visualize the nucleation centres controlling polarization switching processes with nanometre resolution, determine their spatial and energy …

(PDF) Spatial Analysis of Structure and Metal ...

Studying the spatial relationship and distribution trends of regional tectonics and metal mineralization has theoretical and practical significance for revealing regional …

Spatial Distribution Characteristic and Type Classification of Rural ...

Theoretically, the spatial distribution of rural settlements is generally affected by topography, traffic accessibility, water source conditions, residents'' income, population size, …

Identifying factors influencing the spatial distribution of minority ...

The spatial distribution and patterns of ethnic minority cultural heritage in Southwest China are examined through the utilization of these factors. Data collection for all …

Spatial Energy Distribution around Heavy-Ion Path

theory The aim of the present work is to calculate the radial energy density distribu- tion due to ionization, electronic and vibrational excitation around the path of a

Comparison Study on the Estimation of the Spatial Distribution of ...

Figure 2 is the spatial distribution maps of the geo-accumulation indices of As and Cd before and after densification. Based on the Figure 2, the spatial distribution configuration of the geo …

Probabilistic nucleation governs time, amount, and location of …

As variations in the porous medium''s properties are intimately linked to the spatial distribution of the secondary precipitates, we quantify the evolution of experimental and …

(PDF) Spatial Configuration and Bid Rent Theory: How

The method identifies the spatial distribution of activities across scales. Firstly, it is shown that trade-off modelling in the street configuration can be devised as a global pattern of ...


This study provides a modest review of location theory in economic geography, tracing its evolution from classical origins to contemporary perspectives.

Spatial distribution and topographic gradient effects of habitat ...

This study aimed to analyze spatio-temporal changes in habitat quality in Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration during the 2000–2020 period and explore its …