Global organisation
Based in Orkney and promoting sustainable Island Futures. Tourism professionals with an emphasis on Shorex services.

Can the Faroe Islands be a smart microgrid?

“The energy system in the Faroe Islands is an impressive example of how all available energy resources can be integrated into a smart and innovative microgrid,” says Vehkakoski.

Who is Nordic smart spaces?

It's great to have their team to help me with my tech every step of the way. - Bjorg B. The exclusive dealer of Savant and Lutron in Iceland, Nordic Smart Spaces brings home automation in Iceland and beyond with decades of experience.

Why choose Lutron in Iceland?

We are Iceland's distributor for Lutron's guestroom technology that enables easy light, temperature and shade control, bringing world-class luxury and comfort to hotels and lodges. On top of the highest residential building in Iceland, there's a penthouse with the best view of Reykjavik – 360 degrees encompassing Harpa to Hallgrimskirkja.

Island Smart Limited – Orkney Shorex Services

Based in Orkney and promoting sustainable Island Futures. Tourism professionals with an emphasis on Shorex services.

Programa de Banda Ancha de Puerto Rico

El Programa de Banda Ancha de Puerto Rico es creado por El Gobernador Hon. Pedro R. Pierliuisi mediante la Orden Ejecutiva 2022-40. El fin primordial de este programa será coordinar, autorizar y ejecutar el desembolso de los fondos …

Shining a light on a smart island

The Faroe Islands are aiming for complete sustainable energy supply by creating a smart and innovative micro-grid. Far from continental Europe and surrounded by a vast sea, the Faroe …

Latest IW9 Smartwatch [In-depth Review]

Purchase Now: /e/_mMO11IQFull Review: https://youtu /7RKJP_Dbb2wBest Apple Watch Series 6/7/8/Ultra …


Veljið traustan samstarfsaðila í bílaviðskiptum. Í kjölfar samskipta við lögregluna svo og viðskiptavini og starfsmenn Bensínlaus ehf. viljum við vekja athygli á eftirfarandi:

Energy Storage

IPS is working in innovative compressed air storage solutions, in cooperation with CTG, for storage of energy in the ground, as well as traditional options like large scale pump power …

Public Resources

The Rhode Island Judiciary Public Portal (Public Portal), which is separate from the case management system or the electronic filing system, is the point of entry for electronic access to …

Contact Us :: Island Smart Irrigation

With our professional advice, quality products and expert workmanship, we can have your irrigation system working perfectly.

Sur le chemin du futur : l''avènement des SMART …

Smart City à l''échelle d''une île : vers le concept de Smart Island. Avec le concept de Smart Island, on entend l''idée de favoriser le déploiement d''innovations technologiques pour en faire un territoire intelligent, s''appuyant …

The Role of Smart Grid Technologies as Enablers of Clean …

Islands of developing and developed nations offer a unique opportunity to demonstrate the role of smart grids in enabling clean energypolicies. This paper summarizes key messages and …

Our Smart Island

Join the Smart Island Ecosystem. By choosing Smart Island, you''re not just accessing a test-bed; you''re becoming part of a vibrant ecosystem dedicated to the future of DePIN technologies.Here, collaborations flourish, ideas are …

Smart Islands Initiative

2nd Smart Islands Forum - 14 September 2018 "EU islands come forward with proposals for the post 2020-era" 22 representatives from 13 European countries with islands that are members …

Home | Smart & Sustainable Island

Astypalea: The first smart & sustainable Mediterranean Island The Hellenic Republic with the support of the Volkswagen Group are implementing a ground-breaking project, aiming to …

Smart Island University – Unlocking Treasures of Knowledge

تقف جامعة سمارت آيلاند، باعتبارها جامعة من الجيل الخامس، في الطليعة من حيث الابتكار، وتحتضن تقدم المستقبل في التعلم عبر الإنترنت، مع دمج التكنولوجيا في عمليات التدريس والبحث والعمليات الإدارية.

¿Qué es una Smart Island? | Hola Islas Canarias

Una smart island es una isla capaz de gestionar de manera inteligente infraestructuras y servicios en función de las variaciones que se producen en cada momento: gestión del tráfico, del …


Smart Island è un progetto finanziato dal MIUR e realizzato da CNR IIA, Exalto - Energy&Innovation e ResNova Die che mira a trovare soluzioni che incrementino l''efficienza …

Powering smart islands: How islands can pioneer scalable green …

The island is instrumenting infrastructure, such as the energy grid and the local marina, with internet of things (IoT) solutions and smart management systems. The information …

Blog – Island Smart Limited

Island Smart and Groats Charters are collaborating to develop some exciting new options for Cruise, FIT and GIT, in fact all visitors to Orkney. We will be trialling some of …

Bachelor Programs – Smart Island University

الفرنسية هي إحدى اللغات الدولية الرئيسية في العالم: يتحدث بها أكثر من 200 مليون شخص في 43 دولة، في خمس قارات.


La Palma Smart Island es un proyecto dirigido por el Servicio de Transformación Digital del Cabildo Insular de la isla de La Palma. Tiene como objetivo dotar a la isla de …

Smart Island, Innovación que garantiza un desarrollo sostenible

Para alcanzar el objetivo smart island, Tenerife ofrece infinitas oportunidades de desarrollo tecnológico en el sector turístico. Algunas de ellas, están orientadas al desarrollo de …

Irrigation Services :: Island Smart Irrigation

Island Smart Irrigation offers an array of services to Parksville, Qualicum, Nanaimo, Ladysmith, Chemainus and neighbour communities. Assessments & Checkups Whether you are new to …

2024 Smart Growth Summit – Main Street News Web …

Please join us for the 23rd Annual Long Island Smart Growth Summit, which will be held Friday, December 6th, from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the Crest Hollow Country Club. (Our 25th Anniversary reception will follow at 2pm …

Smart Island University Future of Online Education

Smart Island University, AKA "SIU" is a 100% online university that has recently emerged in the world of digital education, offering bachelor''s and master''s degrees. SIU takes pride in its …

Island Smart Tech

At Island Smart Tech, we are committed to providing our clients with exceptional service. We promise to always be transparent and honest in our dealings with our clients and to ensure that …

Energy Storage Systems

Small and smart. Our smallest energy storage system on the market and the smart entry into Independence! As a smart model, the pulse neo is perfectly suited for every smart home …

What is a Smart Island?

In this video Digital Isle of Man explore the question of ''What is a Smart Island?'' and how technology can improve the lives of the Island''s residents, have ...