Business parks can play a major role in the energy transition. The grouping of many businesses on one site usually leads to a high, concentrated energy demand. As a result, there are entrepreneurs who have taken the lead in collaborating with each other to become more sustainable. Such collaborations make collective solutions promising.
Take a look at the monitor and get an insight into the sustainability potential of your business park. The entrepreneurial and industrial character of business parks may provide a major impetus to the energy transition for companies and the surrounding area. In the quick-start guide drawn up by TNO, we identify 5 factors for success:
The energy infrastructure in an industrial park is defined as shareable utilities that are located within the park and provide energy for the park, e.g., heat and electricity 31. Climate change mitigation requires decoupling energy services and GHG emissions.
In existing studies, GHG mitigation of industrial parks and energy infrastructure have been mostly analyzed separately, and very few studies emphasized energy infrastructure decarbonization at the industrial park level 31.
The Sustainable Business Parks Monitor provides a uniform, national open dataset for business parks, which can be used by public authorities, market players, and knowledge parties in making business parks more sustainable.
Data from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) shows that in 2019, around 20 billion m3 of natural gas (626 petajoules of natural gas) and 39 billion kWh of electricity (140 PJ of electricity) were supplied to business parks from the national grid.
Een iconisch business park in het hart van Waregem. Centraal gelegen. Waregem centrum: 15 min . Station Waregem: 6 min . E17: 1 minuut Kortrijk: 15 minuten Gent: 30 minuten . Een architecturale blikvanger. Waregem Business …
Under the condition of meeting the three types of forecasting loads of cooling, heating and electricity in the park, this paper adopts the model of "surplus electricity is sold to …
Energilagring er lagring av produsert energi for bruk på et senere tidspunkt. I et energiforsyningssystem oppstår det et behov for å lagre energi når det ikke er sammenfall …
In previous work, we accounted the energy-related GHG emissions from 213 Chinese national-level industrial parks, and then uncovered GHG mitigation potentials by …
I Uppsala Business Park finns det mesta på nära avstånd: restauranger, shopping och service, hotell, långtidsboende, gym, padelbanor och mycket annat. UBP erbjuder också natursköna …
Eco-Business Park. Creating a truly circular environment to benefit the community and the planet. Our Vision. Latest updates. IEBP featured in local media! Nov 11, …
Solna Business Park 2007. Solna Business Park är ett aktiebolag inom Fabege [1] och ett kontorsområde i västra Solna, invigt 2005. [2] Området hette tidigare Virebergs …
Vattenfall erbjuder även batterier som fossilfria lagringslösningar. Med batterilagring kan industrikunderna hantera sin förbrukning på ett mer flexibelt sätt genom att kapsla in höglaster …
As environmental issues come into wider focus once more, there is therefore an opportunity for business parks to lead the way on the path to net zero, facilitating the adoption of electric vehicles while making impactful …
An office park in Santa Barbara County, California, United States. A business park or office park is a designated area of land in which many office buildings are grouped together. These types of …
Det underjordiska pumpkraftverket kommer nyttja Pyhäsalmi-gruvans befintliga struktur och dess synkroniserade system för energilagring. Med en lagringskapacitet på 530 …
Based on a real case for a business park, we give a planning method for integrated energy. It includes forecasting the load, setting five scenarios, giving an optimized planning and running …
Making a business park more sustainable offers economic opportunities; has strong potential for energy solutions; and requires a collective approach. At TNO, we develop …
För företag med stort elkraftsbehov kan energilagring vara ett effektivt sätt att optimera sin elanvändning och minska sina kostnader. Att investera i energilagring kan dock vara kostsamt. …
Zoekt u een bedrijfskavel van 2 hectare of meer? XL Businesspark bestaat uit 125 hectare uitgeefbaar terrein en is hét bedrijventerrein in Twente voor grootse (internationale) …
Energilagring. Klimat. Två batteriinnovationer vann Startup 4 Climate. 2024-11-15. Cirkulära batterisystem och fossilfri grafit. Det var innovationerna som övertygade juryn i …
Este confortável apartamento está situado no Belas Business Park, condomínio de referência em Belas, Talatona. Situado no edifício de habitações denominado por Huambo, da primeira fase de construção do Condomínio Belas Business …
The land on which the Chiswick Business Park was built had been owned by the Rothschild family and planted as orchards in the 19th century. [1] In 1921, the London General Omnibus …
This paper describes an integrated approach to transform an industrial park into an eco-industrial park by combining three interconnected goals, namely, the consolidation of …
Sukces projektu GPP Business Park to przede wszystkim bezkompromisowy dobór wszystkich komponentów infrastruktury budynku i odpowiednie połączenie ich w jedną całość, kontrolowaną i mierzoną przez inteligentny, a więc „uczący …
Der er mange glæder ved et kontorfællesskab i Business Park Nord. Lige her finder du en oversigt over, hvilke virksomheder der befinder sig i huset. Er du interesseret i at høre, hvad …
The Thames Valley was a key area for this development due to transport links, one of the best examples being the well-know Stockley Park near Heathrow; a 400 acre former refuse tip was …