Global organisation
In this paper, we propose an intelligent and user-friendly platform for Semi-automated KG Construction and Application (SAKA) to address the problems aforementioned. Primarily, users can semi-automatically construct KGs from structured data of numerous areas by interacting with the platform, based on which multi-versions of KG can be stored, viewed, …
SAKA: an intelligent platform for semi-automated knowledge …

In this paper, we propose an intelligent and user-friendly platform for Semi-automated KG Construction and Application (SAKA) to address the problems aforementioned. Primarily, users can semi-automatically construct KGs from structured data of numerous areas by interacting with the platform, based on which multi-versions of KG can be stored, viewed, …

Integrerad energilagringssolution | SolaX Power

X1-IES är ett modulärt designat energilagringssystem som integrerar en 3~8 kW hybridinverter, BMS och utbyggbara batterimoduler, med kapacitet från 5 kWh till 20 kWh.

Construction of Public Information Network Platform in Urban ...

Based on the main technical characteristics and functional classifica-tion of contemporary intelligent community as well as the profound inter-pretation to the management system of public information, the construction of public information network platform in intelligent communities with outdoor activities and its technical roadmap are proposed.

The pioneer of intelligent construction—An overview of the …

Intelligent compaction plays a vital role in global engineering construction. It is the key to correctly perceiving the compaction quality information in intelligent compaction, which involves the dynamic solution of the interaction between the rigid cylinder and elastic half-space. The precision requirements of quality control and the solution ...

The intelligent construction platform

The intelligent construction platform is here. Outperform expectations by connecting teams, processes, and data See how the new generation of construction platforms helps owners and contractors master complex projects …

Design of real-time monitoring and intelligent management cloud ...

The proposed intelligent IoT-based composting machine aims to revolutionize composting for households and communities. By automating and optimizing the process, it provides efficient and ...


Energilagringssystem passar bra i bullerkänsliga miljöer som på evenemang och byggarbetsplatser, samt för tillämpningar inom telekom, tillverkning, gruvdrift, olja, gas och uthyrning.. De passar bra i tillämpningar med högt energibehov och varierande belastning eftersom de kan hantera både toppar och dalar.

Reference training system for intelligent manufacturing talent ...

Intelligent manufacturing (IM) talent education is becoming considerably relevant owing to the increasing versatility and multi-level compound requirements of academic and applied personnel. Serving as the core promoter of IM talent education, the actions and orientation of higher education are essential for IM society. However, there is no coherent framework in current …


OX2 utforskar möjligheter att utveckla energilagringssystem som kan vara såväl fristående som system i kombination med sol- eller vindkraftsprojekt. OX2 satsning på energilagring stöds av …

Research on Offshore Intelligent Oilfield Construction

Intelligent oilfields are in the transition to cross-disciplinary cooperative construction pattern, integrated operational pattern and platform-based IT service pattern. Offshore intelligent oilfields constructed by CNOOC are focused on intelligence of the company''s core business -- exploration, development, production, drilling, engineering and research work.

What is Intelligent Construction? | SpringerLink

Intelligent construction technology framework. Many technologies in the construction of transportation infrastructure need to be intelligently upgraded. However, in the early stage of intelligent construction, it is still necessary to make key breakthroughs and refine some key technologies to form the main structure of intelligent construction ...


IFAISTOS - Intelligent elektrobränsleproduktion för integrerat energilagringssystem Projektets allmänna mål är att göra Power-to-gas-teknologin till en livskraftig lösning för långvarig lagring.

Construction of Digital Factory Platform Based on Intelligent ...

Intelligent Manufacturing is an upgrade based on digital simulation. It is an intelligent activity in the manufacturing process. The concept of Digital Factory is widely used in foreign countries. However, due to the late introduction in China and the difference in development force and application degree, the application of Digital Factory in ...

Intelligent energy management: Evolving developments, current ...

Intelligent and robust forecasting models capable of predicting hourly, weekly, and annual energy usage is essential as they encourage utility operators to make better …

What is an intelligent platform for construction?

Now with intelligent construction platforms, data is unlocked, and artificial intelligence and machine learning are leveraged to empower every go-forward decision. Organizations learn from the past to continuously improve the future. Intelligent platforms automatically synchronize every step of the construction process.

(PDF) Construction of Cloud Library Intelligent Service Platform ...

Therefore, when building an intelligent service platform, different algorithms need to be selected according to individual needs. Traditional digital library architecture. Smart library architecture.

IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing

A system appreciated by the construction industry as well as governmental environmental protection departments is building information modelling (BIM) [3, 4].This is a revolutionary technology that has provided the …

A literature review on an IoT-based intelligent smart energy …

This study provided an overview of techniques, methods, components, and approaches used in intelligent energy management for both independent and grid-connected …

Research on the Construction of Intelligent Community Emergency Service ...

The results show that the intelligent community emergency service platform plays an important role in preventing community emergency events and taking active and effective measures to ensure the ...

IntDEM: an intelligent deep optimized energy management

The objective of this research is to develop intelligent deep optimized energy management (IntDEM), a novel and unique framework for Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled …

(PDF) Research And Analysis of Intelligent Construction Platform ...

This paper starts from the basic principle of intelligent integrated construction platform, combined with Lanzhou Poly-Tianhui project, which is studied and analyzed from the aspects of design ...


Den produkt vi rekommenderar till våra kunder är från leverantören Sigenergy, som utvecklat ett AI-optimerat energilagringssystem med många funktioner i ett. Sigenstor hjälper dig att uppnå …

Development and engineering application of intelligent …

The intelligent platform adopts the analytical method and computer technology to solve the problem of approaching construction, such as management of construction information, pre-warning, and control of construction risk, and it has been successfully applied in Beijing shield tunneling projects. This platform can also provide the pre-warning ...

An Advanced IoT-based System for Intelligent Energy …

This paper presents an advanced Internet of Things (IoT) based system for intelligent energy management in buildings. A semantic framework is introduced aiming at the …

Construction of intelligent logistics information platform based on …

In today''s intelligent era, big data has become one of the most important weapons in various industries. Based on big data and related technologies, smart logistics has great advantages in improving logistics efficiency, reducing logistics costs and improving user experience satisfaction, so it represents the development direction of logistics mode. Intelligent logistics information …

Advanced informatic technologies for intelligent construction: A …

Intelligent building is known as a representative product of intelligent construction, enabling efficient and economical use of resources to create a comfortable environment. In general, an intelligent building can be made up of four critical components, including IoT sensors, analytics tools, user interface, and Internet connectivity, all of ...

Intelligent energy management systems: a review | Artificial ...

In this review, we study intelligent systems for energy management in residential, commercial and educational buildings, classifying them in two major categories …

Smart String Energy Storage System

1.85%· LUNA2000-7/14/21-S1 är ett tongivande energilagringssystem för bostadsfastigheter, med innovativ Module+ arkitektur för mer än 40% användbar energi, …

Intelligent Building Construction Management Based on BIM …

In order to improve the construction effect of intelligent buildings, this paper combines the BIM digital twin technology to construct the overall structure of the building construction operation ...

Energilagring • Storskaliga energilagringssystem för företag

MVS erbjuder kompletta energilagringssystem för storskalig energilagring • Enkla att installera & underhålla • Kontakta oss för att prata med en expert! ... För access till bland annat, stödtjänster och intelligent styrning, krävs det att en EMS kopplas till batteriet. Vi samarbetar sedan länge med Roxem Energy Management för att ...