Konecranes has developed many smart features specifically for its applications. For instance, Konecranes Gottwald Mobile Harbor Cranes in the four-rope grab variant are designed for high-performance continuous operation in bulk handling. These smart crane features increase safety, ergonomics, and productivity.
SMART Mobile was launched in 2020 as part of SMART 6.3 for Android devices. In SMART 7, SMART Mobile will now be available for iOS when using with Connect. SMART Mobile is now available for iOS users using SMART Connect only. This makes use of wireless connectivity, uploading configurable models via the SMART Connect server.
GPS waypoint and tracklog and observation data are collected simultaneously and uploaded to SMART in a semi-automated process. SMART Mobile was launched in 2020 as part of SMART 6.3 for Android devices. In SMART 7, SMART Mobile will now be available for iOS when using with Connect.
Independent Incident only packages - new in SMART 7 is the ability to have independent incidents only packages. The Independent Incidents plug-in is an optional addition designed to record and query observations from sources other than standard patrols or surveys.
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Konecranes Gottwald Mobile Harbor Cranes in the four-rope grab variant are designed for highperformance continuous operation in bulk handling. Smart crane features developed …
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Our mobile cranes are highly flexible and can be navigated on most roads and construction sites in Scandinavia.
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Der SMARTON macht mobil. Konecranes rüstet seinen Prozess- und Schwerlastkran mit einem Tablet und noch mehr Funktionen aus. Das macht Transport- und …
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